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Z Micropedia

Cafe - similar to Kafejka but in foreign languages



  • Hello! I'm Pedro from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I've been putting up a Portuguese-language wiki on micronations since February, 2006. Is that what you call a Micropedia? I hope so. Currently we're working with about 600 articles, and growing fast. You may check it at (Portuguese only, sorry).--Pedro Aguiar 18:36, 3 mar 2006 (UTC)
  • Yeh, it's that - Micropedia. Amount of articles is amazing, but I can't - unfortunately - understand nothing from it ;). It could be good idea to have one micronational wiki in much languages, couldn't it? --Muggler 12:18, 4 mar 2006 (UTC)
  • Babelfish can be a very useful tool if you want to understand Portuguese. Just use it! :) --KaworuNagisa 18:52, 4 mar 2006 (UTC)
  • Don't lament, Portuguese is similar to Spanish so it's not very difficult to understand. For somebody who had never seen latin languages, also ;-) Binki