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Plik:Heavy Fighting During The Battle On The Outskirts Of Al-Maliha Syria War 2014-1404048478

Z Micropedia


Syria War 2014 | Syrian Civil War After heavy clashes between Syrian rebels including hardline opposition brigades and the Syrian Army backed by Iraqi Shia Militias, the Syrian government announced the capture of various regions in Al-Maliha region in Damascus countryside earlier in April

The fighting did not stop as it was unclear for a couple weeks who had Al-Maliha in hands, while the government claimed capture of the region opposition groups claimed to be still active on the front line and have total control of Al-Maliha.

Political activists have then said that the Syrian government managed to advance in various areas pushing militants back towards the country side. That is where the fighting is still taking place today.

The opposition groups including the Free Syrian Army, Islamic Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra which were/are heavily involved in this battle still try to advance and push back the government.

It seems that at this moment the Syrian government has the upper hand in the region but due to the strategic importance of Al-Maliha different opposition brigades are still working together to hold their ground and hope for more reinforcements to launch a new offensive to retake Al-Maliha from the Syrian government.

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