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Template documentation
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Szablon:Template shortcut This is the bullet template, it looks like this " • ".
It works similarly to the HTML markup sequence " • 
". That is, a non-breaking space (which will not line break and will not collapse together with normal spaces that come before the template), a bullet, and a normal space (will collapse together with normal spaces that come after the template).
This template is used when you want something heavier than a middot "·" but lighter that an en dash "–" or em dash "—".
This template is not intended for normal use in articles. It is a helper template for writing other templates.
Normal usage
The recommended usage is to use no space before the template and one space after the template, like this:
Salt{{bullet}} Pepper
It will render one space on each side of the bullet, like this:
- Salt • Pepper
If it line breaks then the line break will come after the bullet, not before, like this:
- Salt •
- Pepper
For long bulleted lists each list item can be put on its own line, with no spaces between each item and the template. Like this:
Salt{{bullet}} Pepper{{bullet}} Curry{{bullet}} Saffron
(It doesn't matter if there are no or some spaces at the end of the lines, after the templates.)
As before it will render one space on each side of the bullets, like this:
- Salt • Pepper • Curry • Saffron
And if it line breaks then the line break will come after one of the bullets, not before, like this:
- Salt • Pepper •
- Curry • Saffron
Incorrect usage
If the template is used slightly wrong it will in some cases still behave well. For instance if there are no or several spaces after the template. Like these examples:
Salt{{bullet}}Pepper Salt{{bullet}} Pepper
Both of them will render exactly as before, with just one space on each side of the bullet, like this:
- Salt • Pepper
And it will still only line break after the bullet, like this:
- Salt •
- Pepper
But putting one or more spaces before the template will cause problems, like these examples:
Salt {{bullet}}Pepper Salt {{bullet}}Pepper Salt {{bullet}} Pepper Salt {{bullet}} Pepper
Then it will render with two spaces before the bullet, and one after, like this:
- Salt • Pepper
And if it line breaks it might break before the bullet, like this:
- Salt
- • Pepper
Dot sizes
See also
- {{middot}} – Middot "·" is mostly used for dotted lists that use small font sizes.
- {{spaced em dash}} – An em dash (—), a longer dash, that can be used like this template.
- {{spaced en dash}} – An en dash (–), a shorter dash, that can be used like this template.